Author Archive: Annette Thomson
Published short story writer,working on novel for children, a crime thriller & several short stories. Her short story collection, "And The Angels Cried and other stories" was published November 9, 2012 on Kindle.
Married with daughter & two poodles. Tolerant atheist.

Elephants Dancing in My Tummy: And The Angels Cried
I have a herd of elephants dancing in my tummy; my head aches and I am intermittently overcome by a wave of panic which starts at my toes and oozes from my fingers as I type; I’m not sleeping too well either. I’m not ill or on drugs – unless you count the medicinal Pinot […]

Critiques: Giving and Receiving Feedback
You know the old adage, ‘practise makes perfect’? Well take it from me, it’s a load of codswallop. I could practise hitting a tennis ball over the net from now until Christmas but without someone giving me pointers on how to improve my hold and demonstrating how better to follow through with each stroke, it’s […]

The First Rule About Writing Club…
We met Nettie Thomson on Twitter, an ocean apart, and she delightfully stepped up as one of our first guest bloggers, something we’ll always be grateful to her for. NettieWriter’s first post was so well loved (20 comments to date), that we encouraged her to write again. See how you like Nettie’s voice and what […]

Just Getting On With It
When Books By Women asked me to write this blog post, I was both delighted and scared witless. I am a woman who writes and has had some success with short stories, but as yet I have to finish the book and find someone foolhardy enough to publish it. In short, I felt a bit […]
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